Our Republican Congressman isn’t telling us the truth about who he is and how he votes.

  1. While claiming to be pro-choice, Molinaro quietly votes to roll back reproductive rights. He opposed a NY abortion rights bill that codified Roe v. Wade. He voted against access to abortions for troops. He voted for penalizing doctors who perform abortions. And, oops, he was was caught on tape supporting an abortion ban!
  2. Molinaro has repeatedly voted to put the House Speaker’s gavel in MAGA hands. You can’t say you’re a moderate and then hand over the reins to Donald Trump and his MAGA troops.
  3. He opposed clean energy incentives – even though he actually admitted that these incentives, included in the Inflation Reduction Act, are enabling economic growth in our district.
  4. He supported Trump tax cuts that enriched big corporations and the super-rich. Those cuts increased the national debt by about 40% (more than in any other four-year presidential term) and of course jeopardized funding for programs like Medicare and Social Security.
  5. He takes credit for federal investments that he actually voted to drastically cut — including Head Start and childcare development grants. (There’s a pattern here!)
  6. Molinaro voted against worker safety protections and opposed banning wage discrimination. He supported a 2017 tax law that incentivized companies to move jobs overseas. No wonder he has a 10% rating from the AFL-CIO.
  7. Last June, when smoke from wildfires in Canada made it hazardous for us to go outside, Molinaro went on Fox & Friends to argue that it was too soon to politicize the smoke by lecturing about climate change.
  8. Instead, Molinaro supported fracking in New York and fast-tracking dirty liquified natural gas projects – and gave a thumbs up for federal leases to oil companies that engaged in price-gouging.
  9. Big surprise: Molinaro has accepted tens of thousands of dollars from corporate interests, including from PACs for Big Oil, Big Ag, fossil fuel, and utility companies. (His opponent, Democrat Josh Riley, takes NO corporate PAC money.)
  10. Good luck meeting with Molinaro or his staff about any of this stuff, because Molinaro moved his Congressional services field office from centrally located Delhi to a corner of the county near Pennsylvania!

In 2022, Democratic candidate Josh Riley lost to Molinaro by less than 2%. Don’t let this happen again: Get out the vote!

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