Voter Information

How do I register to vote?

Registering to vote is simple! Go to Rock the Vote where you’ll find everything you need to know about how to register to vote and by when per state. You can also ask the Delaware County Board of Elections (BOE)!

Am I registered to vote?

The law has changed! Voters who move within the state do not need to re-register to vote in their new county. However, if you have moved, you MUST give the your original post office your change of address! Registration information will be updated when the Board of Elections (BOE) receives the notice of change of address.

Go the NY State voter lookup search engine to make sure if you’re registered. It will also tell you your polling place. If your are not in there, you may have to re-register.

Is there a Primary Election June 25th?

June 25th, 2024 PRIMARY for AD102:

If you are a Registered Democrat in one of the following towns, you have a Primary Election for NY Assembly District 102:

  • Bovina
  • Davenport
  • Delhi
  • Franklin
  • Hamden
  • Harpersfield
  • Kortright
  • Meredith
  • Roxbury
  • Stamford
  • Walton

The Democratic candidates are Mary Finneran and Janet Tweed*. The winner will face Republican incumbent Chris Tague in the General Election.

For important Primary election dates visit:

Delaware County NY Board of Elections Calendar

To register to vote online visit:

Registering to Vote

For up to date information, details about change of address, application for an absentee ballot, early voting and more visit:

Delaware County, NY Board of Elections website.

* Janet Tweed is endorsed by the DCDC.

What's the last day I can register?

Voter registration applications must be received at the DCBOE by:

June 15 for the June 25th Primary

October 26 for the November 5th General Election

For up to date information, visit the Delaware County, NY Board of Elections website.

For more information about registering to vote (and to download an Voter Registration Form), click below.

Registering to Vote


What about absentee ballots?

June 25, 2024 PRIMARY and November 5, 2024 GENERAL ELECTIONS

Absentee ballots must be requested in advance from the Board of Elections. For due dates, information or to get absentee ballot request form, visit the Delaware County Board of Elections website:

Absentee Ballot Information

What about early voting?

for the June 25 Primary and November 5 General Elections will be at
the Delaware County Board of Elections
97 Main Street, Suite 5, Delhi, NY

Early voting generally starts two weekends before election day. For dates, hours and more information, click below:

Early Voting info

What districts am I in?

To see districts for the upcoming 2024 elections, view these maps!

I'm a 2nd homeowner in Delaware County, may I vote here?

Glad you asked! In many cases, YES! You can! Check out this website for details:

I’m a college student. How do I register? What if I am away from home?

You should check out your registration status. You may need to re-register! Especially if you are attending SUNY Delhi and want to re-register in Delaware County, know your right PO Box (NOT YOUR DORM ROOM ADDRESS)! If you are away for school and want to remain registered in your home district, you will need an absentee ballot. Don’t wait until the last minute!

Here are some useful links! Also, contact the Delaware County Board of Elections (BOE). They are there to help!
Student Voter Guide:
Voting in College:
State-by-State Voter Registration:

Register to Vote!

Registering to vote is simple and takes less than five minutes to complete! At Rock the Vote you’ll find everything you need to know about how to register and how to vote in NY State. You can also contact the Delaware County Board of Elections!

Contact DCNY Dems

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