Vote Row A All The Way… and don’t forget the E.R.A.

Remember to flip your ballot over and Vote YES on Prop 1 to protect Abortion and our freedoms.

With Roe v. Wade overturned, Prop 1 will protect orbortion rights and reproductive f reedom across our state, permanently. Prop 1 also closes loopholes to mde sure that no New Yorker can be discriminated aganst he the government, no matter who they are.

In addition to protecting abortion rights, Prop 1 will:

  • Protect older New Yorkers and those with disabilities
  • Stop discrimination against LGBTQ workers
  • Cement New Yokers’ access to reproductive rights like contraception and IVF

Don’t be mislead by fear mongers.

Just 250 words about safety and fairness. Claims to the contrary are lies designed to convince you to vote against fair treatment for all. Read Prop 1.   

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