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Dem Voices: Our Candidates

Videos by local candidates sharing reasons they are running for office. All of these candidates are endorsed by the Delaware County Democratic Committee.

Josh Riley: Congress NY19

AP Calls NY19 for Josh Riley. Hear Josh’s speech.

Josh Riley: Congress NY19

These videos were taken at Delaware County events in 2024 and provide Josh’s positions and insights on the Opiod crisis in rural commmunities, women’s health, immigration, equal justice and more. Also included here is a Get Out The Vote message from Josh’s former boss Senator Al Franken. Josh will be running against Republican Marc Molinaro.

Michele Frazier: NY State Senate Dist. 51

These videos were taken at Delaware County events in 2024 and provide Michele’s positions and insights on a variety of often overlooked state issues. Michele will be running against Republican Peter Oberacker.

Janet Tweed: NY Assembly 102.

Janet won her primary and will face Republican Chris Tague on November 5th.

Debates and Forums

Video the League of Women Voters debate held at the Octagon Barn in Delanson, NY on June 4, 2024. MARY FINNERAN and JANET TWEED were the candidates. Janet won the primary. She is endorsed by the DCDC.