Latest Past Events

Primary Election AD102

There will be a Democratic Primary Election for NYS Assembly District 102. Janet Tweed* and Mary Finneran are the condidates. Early voting will be available at the Delaware County Board of Elections in Delhi, June 15-23. AD 102 includes the following towns in Delaware County: Bovina, Davenport, Delhi, Franklin, Hamden, Harpersfield, Kortright, Meredith, Roxbury, Stamford, […]

DCDC Business Meeting


DCDC Business Meetings are held the 3rd Wednesday of the month. Meetings are held at 6pm via Zoom unless otherwise indicated. Meetings are open to all Democrats. Contact us to receive the meeting Zoom link and meeting protocols.

Meredith Dairy Fest

Meredith Dairy Fest 3575 Honest Brook Road, Meredith

A regional festival showcasing the Dairy Industry and history in upstate NY. Tents with unique local handmade products, foods and beverages. There is an entree fee. This is not a political tabling event, but it is a good place for candidates to meet constituents.

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