Town Council:
MICHAEL MORGENFRUH has resided in the Catskills for a decade, initially drawn to Meredith during visits to Meredith Dairy Fest. Proudly calling Meredith his home for the past five years, he was captivated by the community and its charm.
Eager to make a meaningful impact on the Town of Meredith, Michael decided to run for Meredith Town Council to leverage his energy, skills, and historical appreciation to introduce fresh perspectives and innovative ideas to town government. He envisions a prosperous future for the town and is dedicated to actively participating in its growth and development.
Currently holding the position of a licensed real estate salesperson, Michael focuses his expertise in Delaware County, the Catskill Mountains, and New York City. He brings a wealth of knowledge and a proven track record in the real estate industry, demonstrating a deep understanding of the local market dynamics and regulations.

Michael’s professional background encompasses valuable experience in municipal government operations. He served as a site coordinator for an esteemed architectural firm, where he facilitated clients in meeting intricate planning and permitting requirements set forth by local governments. This role honed his understanding of regulatory frameworks and the importance of smooth interaction between clients and public entities.
In addition to his professional pursuits, Michael is a devoted history enthusiast with a particular passion for Meredith’s rich past. He actively indulges in exploring the region for artifacts, contributing to the preservation and appreciation of the community’s historical heritage