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What will YOU do?
Many of you are still in shock about what happened a week ago today. Some of you don’t even want to read a newspaper or hear the news.
I get it.
A few of you are coping with the catastrophe by minimizing or denying it. Several friends assure me that a second Trump term won’t be much different from the first and that the checks and balances in our system will continue to constrain him.
This is wishful and dangerous thinking.
A Tough Night. Our thanks and a request re: lawn signs
It’s been an incredibly difficult night for us Democrats. Accepting the Kamala Harris and Tim Waltz loss despite running a flawless campaign of hope and unity—and the implications of that loss to our country—is profoundly difficult. We’re going to need some time for grieving.
In Delaware County we extend our sincere thanks to everyone who volunteered and donated to help our Democratic candidates and our cause up and down the ballot.
Visit us at DCDC HQ Delhi
Come visit us at our Headquarters on 98 Main Street, Delhi.
We’re generally open and staffed on Wednesdays and Saturdays from 11am-2pm. We’d love to see you.
Have you seen this before?
If not, you should have — if you want to know what Democratic happenings are taking place right in your back yard. Delaware County (DC) Democrats publish a monthly eNewsletter. It keeps you updated on information you likely won’t find elsewhere. It’s free. It’s easy to subscribe. Don’t wait…
Newspaper of Record Petition
DCDC members will be circulating a petition regarding our Delaware County Newspaper of Record. To understand why we’re doing this, you can read the text and informational background in advance here.
In Memory of Ed Raeder
The DCDC is sorry to share the sad news that Ed Raeder has passed. Ed served as Roxbury Town Council member for 29 years. Calling hours Friday. January 26 from 4-7pm, Miller/Hynes Funeral Home, Roxbury.
Register to Vote!
Registering to vote is simple and takes less than five minutes to complete! At Rock the Vote you’ll find everything you need to know about how to register and how to vote in NY State. You can also contact the Delaware County Board of Elections!