by Lisa Tait | Feb 16, 2023 | Events
On Wed., Feb 22, the DCDC will host Josh Riley, our Democratic candidate in the 2022 Congressional race, in a conversation with supporters from 6-7 p.m. via Zoom. You can join us in hearing Josh’s take on what worked, what didn’t and where we go from here as we plan...
by Lisa Tait | Nov 1, 2022 | Events
Meet and support Congressional candidate Josh Riley and State Senate candidate Eric Ball on Sat., Nov. 5th Noon-2pm. Following the event, everyone is invited to join in canvassing. Wear comfortable...
by Lisa Tait | Oct 22, 2022 | Videos
JOSH RILEY, Congress NY19ERIC BALL, NYS Senate Dist 51NICHOLAS CHASE, NYS Assembly 102 MATTHEW MACKEY, NYS Assembly...
by Lisa Tait | Sep 2, 2022 | Blog
Your voter friends need to know this… Pat Ryan will serve out the rest of Delgado’s term — which ends January 3, 2023. To keep this seat BLUE, we need to also win the next term General Election, which is coming up fast — NOVEMBER 8, 2022! Pat Ryan...
by Lisa Tait | Aug 31, 2022 | Events
You’re invited to Margaretville for a Democrats’ Ice Cream Social! LONG BEFORE CANDIDATES TWEETED and went on live TV to get their message out, they would stand on stumps and soapboxes in town, delivering speeches and speaking with voters about the issues...